Software Developer in Test
Newron Tech Inc is looking for Software Developer in test
Job Posted: 02/20/2024
Job Duties:
Develop automation frameworks with Selenium Design Patterns and Java programming features using Eclipse IDE by integrating various plugins TestNG and Maven. Implement automation frameworks using Selenium WebDriver and Java OOPs concepts. Develop automation scripts using Java features and Element locators to handle dynamic objects. Develop automation scripts using Javascript and integrate the test case into the code base. Develop build scripts for Jenkins automated jobs and create build schedule jobs and monitor logs for failures. Implement a failed rerun job to rerun the failed tests after the daily regression job. Create and integrate POMs snapshot version of JAR libraries into the project repository as a dependency library. Integrate TestNG and implement test case grouping, dependency on methods. Design automated test code with Java object-oriented programming concepts such as Abstract Classes, Data Encapsulation, Inheritance and Static & Dynamic Polymorphism, Method Overloading and Method Overriding. Execute Selenium automation test suites for Smoke, Acceptance and Regression testing and Nightly regression. Define automation strategy, automation feasibility analysis & preparing sign-off artifacts. Design and integrate reusable methods into automation framework, enhance existing methods with new application logic, update property files with valid test data, and update results logging details. Analyze user story acceptance criteria, identify the automation scope and provide estimates in the grooming sessions. Design and understand the test strategy and create a test plan as per acceptance criteria. Create and schedule daily regression jobs in Jenkins and monitor the logs for failures. Debug the failed tests and identify the root cause for failures, fix any automation scripting issues. Develop automation methods/classes using framework components and Javascript programming features. Create and maintain element locators dynamically for better utilization in various testing environments. Implement and monitor Jenkins Docker containers and update schedules of regression execution jobs. Collaborate and coordinate with Product Owner, QA Manager, SMEs and Dev teams during application development, design, coding and testing. Will work in Austin, TX and/or various unanticipated client sites throughout the U.S. Must be willing to travel and/or relocate.