Software Engineer

Newron Tech Inc is looking for a Software Engineer

Job Posted: 06/17/2024 

Department: IT Software
Project Location(s): Austin, TX

Job Duties:

Participate in various phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), including requirement gathering, modeling, analysis, architecture design, prototyping, development, and testing. Develop Java/J2EE applications with diversified exposure in analysis, design, development, and implementation of applications. Develop complex nested components for reuse such as Pop-Up, Navigation. Use Custom Pipes as filters to provide a better search and sort experience. Apply CSS3 and Bootstrap for responsive web pages. Perform form validations using reactive forms from the Angular12 framework. Implement Router to enable navigation from one component to another. Create services to consume Restful APIs and to communicate between components using Dependency Injection provided by Angular. Write unit test cases for controllers, filters and services using Jasmine and Karma. Develop server-side applications to interact with the database. Convert a monolithic app to microservices architecture using Spring bot using 12-factor app methodology. Develop POJOs for Data Model and make individual HBM records to delineate Java Objects with Relational database tables. Setup security components, setup Kafka connections, setup database connections, setup HTTP clients. Write unit test cases for each (Controller, Delegate and DAO) using JUnit. Prepare test cases. Will work in Austin, TX and/or various unanticipated client sites throughout the U.S. Must be willing to travel and/or relocate.